New Swindon Company Regenerating the heart of Swindon... |
Address: Wiltshire Court, Farnsby Street, Swindon, SN1 5AH Tel: 01793 429250 Website: |
Carmen - Live on the big screen A night of Opera at Wharf Green - SEE PICTURE GALLERY + SWTV... |
Water feature gets switched-on in town centre Canal Walk 'switch on' marks development of public realm... |
Regeneration feedback Forum allows public to have their say on plans for Swindon town centre... |
Landmark deal secures new era for Swindon town centre Swindon's regeneration takes another step forward... |
Swindon enjoys the Last Night of the Proms BBC big screen brings a spot of culture to the town centre... |
Swindon signs deal worth more than £200 million |
Bobbies on the... bike! Wiltshire police saddle up for charity... |
Super-sized TV! Swindon's Big Screen officially launched at Wharf Green... |
Big Screen launch Exciting times ahead for the town centre... |
Swindon mourns Jan Dedicated businesswoman loses battle with cancer... |