Top of the tree for Swindon's Postal Service
Dorcan sorting office rated best in the country
There's good news for Swindon people posting Christmas cards this week.
The Post Office's main sorting depot in Dorcan has come tops in the UK for delivering first-class letters and parcels on time - with 97.4% of all mail arriving the next day. The national average is 94.5%.
Best in the country:
the Dorcan sorting office in Swindon |
Figures from Postwatch, the watchdog for postal services, showed that between April and September this year Swindon is the only postal company to meet all 12 of its performance targets.
"We have tried to improve the quality of the service, focusing our attention on driving up the quality of the service," says Richard Hall, spokesman from the Royal Mail.
"The people of Swindon should be very pleased," said Gary Hepburn, a spokesman for Postwatch in the south west of England, "Swindon is the best place to live if you want your mail delivered on time."