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The Great War with Dr Mike Pringle 

World War 1 had a profound effect on many lives throughout the world, but how did it impact locals in Swindon? Historian Dr Mike Pringle is our guide...
As part of our coverage of The Great War commemorations, SwindonWebTV met up with local historian Dr Mike Pringle to delve into the more personal stories behind Swindon's considerable contribution to World War I.
Among the topics discussed - the enormous sacrifice of the Preater family, the vital contributions from Mary Slade and other local women, and the somewhat unusual visit to Swindon of Julian - a tank!
You can watch our film below, either in a full length version or in individual parts. Our thanks to inSwindon for making these films possible.
SWTV: Four Stories About Swindon in The Great War

SWTV: War Memorial - Swindon in The Great War

SWTV: Mary Slade - Swindon in The Great War
SWTV: Cenotaph - Swindon in The Great War
SWTV: Tank Parade - Swindon in The Great War
For further details on Swindon's contribution to World War I, please visit the Swindon in The Great War website via the link below.
Gilberts of Swindon during The Great War
Gilberts of Swindon during The Great War An Old Town business that has survived two world wars and played a vital role in each, historian Dr Mike Pringle uncovers more - WATCH VIDEO
Great War Britain: Swindon
Great War Britain: Swindon 1914-18 remembered in new book launched today - WE'VE A COPY TO GIVEAWAY
More04 August 2014
Swindon and The Great War
Swindon and The Great War Our guide to the local activities in and around Swindon to commemorate World War 1...
Swindon in The Great War - website
inSwindon - website
  History: Local History  
  InSwindon (Town Centre Management)  
Gilbert's Carpets, Swindon
Janet's Puppy School
Chelworth Windows and Conservatories, Swindon, Wiltshire