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Date added: 19 January 2007

Organic food 

Eat local to Swindon:
our campaign starts here
If you're really serious about staying fit and healthy this year, then what you eat is just about as important as it gets.

Endless hours in the gym, exercising at home, or cycling to work will count for nothing if your diet's all E numbers and ready meals.

That's why we think it's worth taking a look past your local supermarket and to what's available right on your doorstep here in Swindon - namely, fresh, locally produced food.
Going organic
go on, give it a try...

With more and more farmers' markets now taking place and a new organic food shop opening right in the centre of town (see video), it's never been a better time to spend a little extra time (and not neccessarily money) buying what's really good for you.
Janet's Puppy School
Chelworth Windows and Conservatories, Swindon, Wiltshire