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Date added: 06 November 2007

Swindon Remembers 

Remembrance services held on Sunday 11 November 2007

A service to remember Swindon's railway workers who lost their lives fighting for their country, is being being held at Steam Museum at 3pm on Sunday.
Poppy appeal
Never forget: Swindon's war heroes

Janet Don, Lay Minister of St Augustine's Church will lead the service, which is being held alongside the permanent war memorials inside the Museum.

Swindon Mayor, Cllr. Michael Barnes, will then read The Exhortation.
In advance of the service, he said: “May I ask you all in the weeks preceding Remembrance Day, to buy a poppy and wear it with pride, knowing that your contribution will be used to help someone to whom we will forever owe a debt.”

The Royal British Legion will of course be on hand with their poppies, in active support of the Servicemen affected by the World Wars. Their famous appeal will also help those injured or traumatised in more recent conflicts.

Last year's poppy appeal raised a record £26 million, with a staggering £36,000 raised within the Swindon Borough alone.
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