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Date added: 19 July 2011

Swindon's First Car Club 

Kevin McCLoud launches GOCO scheme at new eco-housing development
Kevin Mcloud in Swindon
Kevin Mcloud
Professional Images for Hab Oakus
The opportunity to share and pay for a car only when they need it is now on offer to local residents and businesses at Kevin McCloud's pioneering new Swindon housing development.
The GOCO CAR car club has been developed in partnership with Hab Oakus, developer of ‘The Triangle’, a new high-quality sustainable 42-home development, one mile north of Swindon rail station on Northern Road.
The new car club, operating initially with two cars, is available to residents moving in to the new ‘The Triangle’ development from July 2011, as well as all other Swindon residents.
Cars can be rented for as little time as an hour, then returned for others to use.
Sustainable travel option
Hab Oakus is a partnership between Kevin McCloud’s company Hab and housing group, GreenSquare. GOCO CAR will also involve partner organisations including Commonwheels to provide online bookings and offer the benefit of its nationwide network of car clubs.
Swindon Borough Council, SEAT and Arval are also supporting the development of the car club.
"We're very pleased to be working with GOCO on this vital community-based initiative," said Kevin McCloud from Hab Oakus. "Car clubs are a fantastic means of allowing people to save money and fuel whilst  enjoying the benefits of car ownership."
Kevin Mcloud car share scheme in Swindon
Robin Pointon from GOCO said: “There are now approaching 150,000 members of car clubs across the UK. They offer you the convenience of the car without the burden of owning one.
"You pay for a car when you need it, not when you don’t plus help to reduce carbon emissions through reduced car ownership and use of  vehicles with lower CO2 levels.

“Using The Triangle development as the catalyst, with the support of local partners and residents, we will be developing the car club across  Swindon.” continued Robin Pointon.

For more information on the car club or to sign up to the Commonwheels network, go to www.goco.coop/car and follow the links.
For those who wish to receive regular updates on Swindon or provide support, please e-mail goccocarswindon@goco.coop
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Car Club - more details
  Kevin McCloud  