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Bedrooms - New bed 

It's the place where you spend perhaps one third of your whole life, so buying the right one is crucial to getting a good night's sleep, and your overall well-being.

The Sleep Council recommends changing your bed every 6-9 years, by which time your bed will have lost nearly 70% of its original quality and support. Or every 5 years if yours is used more than the average!!

So here are our hints and tips of what you should look for in a new bed.

1. Measure up first

The nightmare of buying a bed then finding it doesn't fit should be avoided at all costs.

A double should have enough space on either side to allow both sleepers to get in and out comfortably. It should also be positioned so it doesn't obstruct the bedroom door or fitted wardrobe.

So when calculating the space that the bed will fit into, don't forget to measure from the skirting boards, not the walls.

2. The Mattress

Soft or firm, sir? The right mattress should, of course, provide just the right amount of support while being perfectly comfortable to lie on. And in this case it simply does not pay to skimp on costs.

Those with individual pocket springs are the quality to go for as they will support your posture properly. They also last the longest and hold their shape better than foam filled ones. A good test is to pick up a the mattress and try and fold it in the middle - a good quality one won't fold and should feel heavy to lift.

Special, pressure relieving mattress are now also on the market. These are designed to conform to the individual body shape and are particularly popular with those who suffer from back pain.

3. The Frame

While the mattress is the thing you lie on, it is the frame that provides the support for the mattress as well as providing the centrepoint for the overall decoration of the room.
While the mattress is the thing you lie on, it is the frame that provides the support for the mattress as well as providing the centrepoint for the overall decoration of the room.

So with so many designs to choose from, we won't even attempt to describe them all except to say that whether it's a tradtional iron bed, a wooden affair or a modern one, make sure the base has thick, wide slats - they will support your weight better and withstand any other use you may put to it!

You could, of course, choose the water variety which, although not cheap and VERY HEAVY when full, are proving increasingly popular.

Bed sizes:

Double: 4foot 6inches x 6ft 3in
King size: 5ft x 6ft 6in
Super king: 6ft x 6ft 6in
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Chelworth Windows and Conservatories, Swindon, Wiltshire
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