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Date added: 26 February 2007

All in a day's work 

If you thought you were having a bad day at work in Swindon yesterday - spare a thought for one unlucky workman.

The technician who was repairing an air conditioning unit on the North Star Campus, at Swindon College, is believed to have slipped injuring his knee.

Lifted to safety:
Aaron Caswell recued from the college roof

Stranded ten storeys up led to the intervention of 14 Swindon Fire Fighters and an Ambulance crew to rescue the man and bring him safely back down to earth.

The injured man Aaron Caswell, 20, who was working for Caswell Refrigeration Services, is now recovering at the Great Western Hospital. 

"At first we didn't know what was going on," said one student watching from below, "it wasn't until the fire crew arrived that we realised the guy was stuck up on the roof!"
  Swindon College  
Janet's Puppy School
Chelworth Windows and Conservatories, Swindon, Wiltshire