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Date added: 12 October 2007

Jasper Fforde - Writers rewarded by best-selling author 

Jasper Fforde, celebrated creator of the literary adventures of Thursday Next set in a parallel Swindon during the 1980s, presented the prizes to two winners of a major short story competition today.

A test of writing skill held to mark the 50th anniversary of the town’s British Computer Society (BCS).
Fantasy Fiction:
Jasper Fforde (r) with WriteIT
 winners William Campbell (l)
and Jonathan Clayton

Winners of the BCS WriteIT competition being William Campbell, 60, and Jonathan Clayton, 14, who received £750 worth of computer vouchers during a ceremony at the University of Bath in Swindon.

An occasion which included a short reading of Jasper’s latest novel First Among Sequels (set in Swindon, of course!) — plus a Q&A session with the man himself involving past creative writing students at the University.

Jasper’s novels are used as teaching aids in creative writing classes organised by the University's Division of LifeLong Learning.

"The standard of work was incredibly high," said Jasper, who chose the winning entries, "and I really loved the two stories that won. Both were very imaginative."
Set in Swindon:
the latest Thursday Next adventure

David Clarke, BCS chief executive, said: “The short-story competition is an innovative way to reach out to people in Swindon about the advantages and complexities of information technology, and we are extremely pleased to be able to support an event headed by a writer of Jasper’s calibre for the benefit of people living in the town.”

Jasper's novels, which include such bizarre characters as minotaurs, giant mammoths and Elgin Llamahs! and locations such as the Hanging Gardens of Babington and the Lighthouse on Alexandra Road, are so well known a festival celebrating his creations will be held in Swindon next year.

Aptly named, the 'Fforde Fiesta', it takes place next May and will include tours of the Swindon sites that inspired him so much.
Details are available via the website link below.
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Janet's Puppy School
Chelworth Windows and Conservatories, Swindon, Wiltshire