Be Proud Of Being GoodOur Swindon business advice column with Gail Gibson
You are NOT Rubbish!
It's just that you are conditioned to think you are. Conditioning, around the thought that you are 'rubbish' is, in my mind, a very dirty word. Why, because this type of conditioning creeps into your head and it takes hold (when you let it). It's like a vine that latches itself to a tree, which then sets about strangling the life out of its host. When you are good at something, be proud of being good Look at the recent Olympic and Paralympic athletes; individual and team entrants who showed the world that are the best at what they do. Do you think they believed they were rubbish when they didn't win a bronze, sliver or gold medal?
Definitely not
Instead each athlete was proud to take part and do the best they could, on the day, for them self, for their team & for their country. Even more so each one was filled with self belief and confidence. The thought of being 'rubbish' did not even enter their minds.
What's stopping you
from showing your own 'Olympic belief', especially as you
are an amazing person who can do incredible things?
Conditioning Become unconditioned. Challenge yourself to change how you 'think' others perceive who you are and what you do. Cut through the vines that are strangling you. Believe in yourself and stand tall with confidence. |