Become A DambusterOur Swindon business advice column with Gail GibsonToday marks the 70th anniversary of the heroic feat of the Dambuster’s raid, led by Wing
Commander Guy Gibson. Today we pay tribute to the actions of focus,
determination, commitment and courage.
Today we remember… Consider the title given to the airmen and the historical act they carried out. From the 17th May, 1943 they forever became known as the Dambusters. So what did they do? After a review of what needed to be done, to strike at the enemy forces, a plan was created. Barnes Wallis and his scientific team designed the bouncing bomb. Practice was the next step, to ensure the aim was as precise as possible. Finally the raid took place, courtesy of the brave Lancaster crews of 617 Squadron. The outcome: the bouncing bombs were dropped and the dam was busted. How can you become a Dambuster? Think about it. A dam is built to contain a huge body of water. A wall is built to hold back the water. A great deal of pressure is placed on the wall. When the bouncing bombs hit, the wall was smashed and the pressure released. Are you someone who creates a strong ‘dam’ wall in your life or business? Do you allow things to build up to a high volume? Do you put pressure on yourself? Is your wall holding you back from being who you can be or what your business can be? Become a Dambuster Plan your raid. Fly your Lancaster toward your focus – your dam wall which is holding you back; your built up pressures, worries and anxieties. Be a Dambuster and bust your dam wall. Bombs away! Now feel your personal sense of release and celebrate the courage you showed to make it happen.
Set a new course and fly upwards to the next chapter in your
life and business.