How to Achieve Integrated Marketing SuccessOur Swindon business advice column with Gail GibsonWith
considerable experience in social media marketing, having designed and
delivered various workshops over the past couple of years, I regularly train
business owners who are challenged and overwhelmed by the whole concept of
social media.
Many people share their concerns and reservations about security and reputation; others feel they don’t know how to keep up with all the changes, which platform they should be on, or why they should even consider social media as a tool to build their business. So how do you overcome your fear of or resistance to making the best use of social media in your business? Here is a list of challenges shared by delegates together with suggested solutions:
How do I get started?
Master one platform first
How do I attract buyers?
Find out how your audience talk
What content should I share?
Relevant, interesting, keyword
specific content
What should I say/focus on?
Understand the needs of your
How do I gain followers/post
Follow your followers + theirs
relevant information?
How do I manage my time?
Create a communication plan
How do I measure my success?
Customer engagement/sales
What are the 'right connections'
Search in your industry sector
in my business?
What is the best platform for my
Spend time
thinking about your purpose for integrating social media into your marketing
plan. Then create a clear strategy based on your ‘why’, how your audience
communicate, relevant, fresh content, and manage your time so you can remain at
your productive best.
A key to your success – focus on building relationships,
not selling to your connections.