3 Reasons Why you Must Say Thank you on Twitter
Our weekly Swindon business advice column with Gail Gibson
Like all good conversations, Twitter is a two way street. You give and you receive. You tweet and you retweet. You follow and you are followed. And so on.
OK so you have a substantial list of quality followers and you follow quality fellow Tweeters. You exchange ideas, articles, comments, RT’s etc as you tweet. Have you thought at any stage about saying thank you to others for what they do to promote your tweets?
In life it is polite to say thank you. Why? Because it is one of the earliest manners that you were taught by your parents, and it is one way to show respect and gratitude. Now, with many of our conversations taking place online, have we forgotten how and when to say thank you?
Here are 3 reasons why it is important to say Thank you on Twitter:
#1 Courtesy. Being polite to your followers and others who comment on your tweets is the first rule of achieving success on Twitter. Without it you will lose followers and your conversations may become boomerang like – bouncing back from you to you!
#2 Attention. When you say thank you to someone who retweets an article or feature you have posted, or if they forward on something you’ve said that they feel others will be interested in, you show an awareness of being part of the Twitter community. In turn you build and continue to build positive and sustaining relationships.
#3 Human vs Robot. Think about some of your followers – do they appear to automate all or most of their posts, or is there a human touch in what they say and when they say it? Conversations whether they are on or offline must take on a human element. Robotic style auto tweeted posts just put people off. They promote a lack of chatter or banter and simply just sit on the shelf like an unloved toy that never gets played with. Automate on occasion but 90% of your conversation must be real. How can you expect a robot to say thank you?
Written by Gail Gibson of True Expressions
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