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Date added: 17 April 2015

A Milestone For Outset 

Swindon branch celebrates helping 200 businesses get off the ground - SEE PICS

It was cause for celebration for Outset Swindon this week after helping to start over 200 new businesses here in the last two years.
Outset is a free programme funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Swindon Borough Council, and offers hands-on, vocational support and guidance tailored to people starting with new business ideas.
The special event at The Platform on Faringdon Road gave everyone involved the chance to meet and network, and also featured a talk from successful local business personality James Phipps from Excalibur Group.

Mayor of Swindon, Councillor Teresa Page was also on-hand to present special 'Outset Ambassador' certificates to a number of Outset successes including Karoliina Saunders, Anjelica Ferrari, Samantha Whittingham and Louise Joachim.
Thinking of being your own boss?
Thinking of being your own boss? FREE advice available to those people living in Swindon who want to start their own business...
Outset Swindon - website