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Date added: 07 October 2008

Business in Brazil 

Swindon conference highlights trade advantages
The unlikely subject of business in Brazil was on the agenda in Swindon today.
A conference organised by government-backed UK Trade and Investment [UKTI] held at the Hilton hotel attracted representatives from companies across the region, all eager to learn more about the trading advantages of the fast-expanding south american country.
UK Trade & Investment conference Swindon 07 10 08
Improving Brazilian trade links:
the UK Trade & Investment seminar in Swindon
"Swindon was the ideal location for this meeting because of its excellent transport links and the profile of the businesses we are aiming these seminars at," said Berkeley Fenne, International Trade Advisor for UKTI.
"Brazil is a growing rapidly in its world economic stature and with its expanding aircraft industry and automobile manufacturing offers a number of opportunities to UK-based engineering firms." 
UK Trade & Investment logo
The meeting focused partly on explaining the rules and regulations for exporting to Brazil, as well a question-and-answer session with delegates.
"The feedback from today has been excellent," said Martin Raven, General Consul of the British Consulate in Sao Paulo, who spoke at the event.
Conference Venues and Services in Swindon
Conference Venues and Services in Swindon Details on where to hold a business meeting and event management in Swindon...
UK Trade & Investment - website
Hilton Hotel Swindon - more details