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Date added: 17 February 2009

Strong demand for quality 

Bang & Olufsen of Swindon first to get BeoSound 5 system
First in line for BeoSound 5:
Bang & Olufsen in Old Town
It's been described as '...like having a record collection all over again – but without the dust'.
And now Swindon is all set to be the first place to sell them. 
The new BeoSound 5 from Bang & Olufsen is a highly sophisticated home digital music system with a unique built-in intelligence.
So clever in fact that it can be set to actually ‘listen’ to music it's playing – analysing the sound, dynamics, rhythmic aspects etc. – and then pick out songs that sound 'More of the Same' - or MOTS, according Gordon Harker, dealer principal of B&O in Wood Street.
"It's an incredible piece of design," he said, "a throw back to how we used to listen to music and appreciate it, but in the most modern way possible.
"We've already taken advanced orders after showing customers our demonstration model and now we're going to be one of the first stores to take delivery. We're very proud of that.
"It just proves that, despite all the gloom and doom, there is a market for sophisticated, quality products."
Beosound 5 in Swindon
the new BeoSound 5
For more details visit the Bang & Olufsen website via the link below.
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Bang & Olufsen - website