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Date added: 01 April 2011

Hi boss. Are you sitting down?.... 

Lorry driver lucky to escape with minor injuries after bridge blow
Car drivers arriving in Swindon first thing this morning weren't happy with the driver of this lorry.
A serious misjudgement on the height of the bridge over Wootton Bassett road near DFS caused a major incident, with traffic jams stretching back to the M4.
Lorry crashed into bridge in Swindon
bridge blow on Wootton Bassett road
Lorry crashed in Swindon
Bridge strike Swindon
Lorry crashed in Swindon
The driver of the lorry involved fortunately escaped with just cuts and bruises, although quite whether his boss thought it was an April Fool when he called up to tell them what had happened no-one knows!
Photos by Calyx.
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Chelworth Windows and Conservatories, Swindon, Wiltshire