BoJo in Swindon
Boris Johnson joins local MPs at Nationwide (oh yes, Obama due in on Wednesday!)
The unmistakable face of Boris Johnson bounced in to Swindon today to praise Nationwide for their work with apprentices.
The Mayor of London was joined by both local MPs, Justin Tomlinson & Robert Buckland, who met Johnson at the train station.
In true BoJo style, the former Conservative MP took centre stage as he addressed staff at a packed atrium at the building society's HQ where he even mentioned the Magic Roundabout as a 'curious masterpiece'.
Perhaps he still remembers the T-shirt SwindonWeb gave him the last time he was here (see link below)!
US President flies in to RAF Fairford
It might be worth looking up for a rare sight indeed on Wednesday, as Barack Obama flies in to Swindon on his way to the crucial NATO conference in Cardiff.
The US Presidents' plane, Air Force One, will be landing at RAF Fairford at some time during the day before leaving again on Friday.
Boris Johnson in Swindon
02 September 2014