Cultural Roundabout
New initiative focuses on the positives in Swindon
If you ask any group of people in the town centre what they think of culture in Swindon, you'll definitely get a mixed bag of responses. Some good, but the majority probably bad.
"It's a cultural desert" being the most favoured, if unoriginal, comment.
Swindon's Cultural Roundabout:
But a new initiative aims to challenge that, led by the Swindon Cultural Partnership, who launched their document ''10 thoughts for Swindon Culture' this week.
"We're not talking about opera or ballet, it's about everything we do and love," said Partnership Director, Mike Pringle.
"It's about the people. And we want to shout about that."
And their booklet, with the light-hearted cover showing the Magic Roundabout sproating all sorts of culture contains the themes that they believe seperates Swindon life from everywhere else.
"Take the speed camers debate for instance," added Mike, "we took a totally different approach to the rest of the country.
"And we believe that means something. And this project aims to build on that."
The booklet is available via the Cultural Partnership website, link below.