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Mixed reaction to speed camera ban Mixed reaction to speed camera ban
Most support Council decision - some very much against...
Peter Greenhalgh: interview 23 October 2008 Peter Greenhalgh: interview 23 October 2008
Councillor Greenhalgh speaks to us after the speed camera decision...
Date added: 23 October 2008

Camera ban: YOUR SAY 

Most support Council decision - some very much against
Speed camera ban in Swindon
Camera ban:
but has the debate only
just started?
We've been asking people's reaction to last night's momentous decision by Swindon Borough Council to scrap speed cameras. The first authority in the UK to do so.
And the general reaction has been mixed.
The majority supporting the unanimous vote by the Council cabinet to end their agreement with the Swindon Camera Partnership in six months time, with the effect of removing all speed cameras from Swindon's roads in favour of other 'road safety' measures.
But those in support of keeping the cameras clearly think the move is a wrong one, as our video shows.
Our SwindonWebTV coverage also includes a reaction to the decision by councillor Peter Greenhalgh, the cabinet member for highways, transport and strategic planning who proposed the review.
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