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Date added: 06 August 2008

Swindon: How clever are you? 

Provisional SATS results cause concern for Swindon parents - but can you pass the test?
Swindon's 11-year-olds are better at maths, but not so good at English and science according to this year's Key Stage 2 SATS results.
Figures published by the Government Department for Children, Schools and Families show 80% of pupils from Swindon achieved the expected level 4 in Maths - up 2% from last year, but dipped to 79% in English (down 4%) and 84% in Science (down 4%).
Although not all primary schools in Swindon have received their results, after controversial delays in marking. 
Seen as the second key stage in a child's learning and future schooling, SATS results for 11-year-olds can have a large bearing on which 'sets' pupils will be in when they move up to secondary school. 
A key point not lost a number of Swindon parents keen to see their children settled in the correct class when the new school year starts again next month.
"These results are crucial," said one worried father, "and my 11-year-old lad is still waiting to hear.
"He starts in a new school in just over 4 weeks time and if this effects which ability class he is put in I will be very annoyed."
How clever are you?

These are three example questions from a previous year's SATS Maths exam for 11-year-olds. Can you answer them?
SATS example question
SATS example question
SATS example question
Answers: 4 racks, 1hr 20mins, 451km
Are these questions too easy for an 11-year-old?
Yes (73.2%) No (26.8%) out of 112
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