It's raining, it's pouring!
Hold on to your umbrellas Swindon people, the heavens have opened!
And it's all set to get worse, I'm afraid folks.
The Met Office have issued a flash weather warning of more rain coming our way. And if it's anything like today's downpour, we'll be up to our knees in water once again.
Wat-er day!
come on Swindon, look on the bright side |
Heavy showers that reminded everyone out and about in Swindon today of what it was like back when we had our last flood warning in July 2007.
Then the whole of the area was brought to an almost complete standstill by severe flooding and torrential rain that caused havoc and distruction.
But, hey. Let's look on the bright side, shall we, just like the lady we pictured above leaving Swindon train station this morning.