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Date added: 12 September 2007

All systems Coe 

Sebastian Coe steamed into Swindon today to encourage the people of the town to keep active and get fit - and support the 2012 London Olympics.

The former Olympic champion spoke positively about the initiative while meeting local school children and students who were taking part in various sporting activities at the STEAM Museum.
Games boost:
Seb Coe watches lends encouragement to schoolchildren
trying out gymnastics

The Get Active campaign aims to get employees, students and the local community involved in physical activities for 15 minutes.

"It great to see so many people here getting involved in Get Active," said Lord Coe, "it's a fantastic scheme that I'm delighted to support."

"The cost to the National Health Service of inactivity is £8 billion pounds a year. And it is absolutely essential to give people the opportunity to get involved in active lifestyles.

"Bringing youngster here today introduces them to so many activities they can try, and hopefully take up. And it's essential over the next five years in the lead up to the 2012 Games that we keep promoting it," he added.
Seb Coe - 12/09/2007
Seb Coe
Seb Coe
Seb Coe
Seb Coe
Seb Coe
Seb Coe
Seb Coe
Seb Coe
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