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Alfred Williams Herietage Society Alfred Williams Herietage Society
Launch of soceity that aims to make more people aware of the Wiltshire poet...
Singing Surgeon Singing Surgeon
The singing surgeon performs a song from the Hammarman Poet...
Date added: 09 December 2009

Who is Alfred Williams? 

Meeting aims to make more people aware of the Wiltshire poet, author and historian
Over fifty people attended the New Central Library for the launch of the Alfred Williams Heitage Society.
A society that aims to spread knowledge of the late 19th/early 20th century poet, author, historian, Alfred Williams.
The Society was formed by Dr John Cullimore, Graham Carter and Caroline Ockwell who want to make more people aware of Alfred Williams, the story of his life and the legacy he has left through his writing.
"I think Alfred Williams is such a big part of cultural history in Swindon, commented Dr John Cullimore, Chair of the Alfred Williams Heritage Society.
"We have organised tonight as a way to raise his profile and explain why the society is bidding for a grant from the Heritage Lottery board."
Singing Surgeon
John Cullimore can also be referred to as the Singing Surgeon after he released a CD, The Hammerman, which traces the extraordinary life of poet and writer.
“I wrote the CD to help keep his memory alive and help him to reach a wider audience.”
To find out more details about the Alfred Williams   Society visit their website via the link below... 
Calling all actors & singers
Calling all actors & singers Audition for a major new musical production celebrating the life of Alfred Williams - THURSDAY 22 JULY...
More21 July 2010
Lottery boost for local hero
Lottery boost for local hero Festival planned as Alfred Williams Heritage Society's celebrate £35,000 grant....
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Alfred Williams
Alfred Williams The Hammerman Poet - Swindon's forgotten writer?...
Alfred Williams Heritage Soceity - website
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