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Jamie's Pulled Pork 

Here's a very special recipe from Crump Butcher's very own Jamie that's perfect for summer partying!

With the super sunny weather like it is, Crump Butcher's in Wootton Bassett have put together a great recipe using Jim Beam's Original Bourbon Sauce!
The perfect partnership when smothered over a Hand of Crump's Pork for the ultimate pulled pork banquet.
We recommend a 5.5lb hand of pork, which will serve 6 and cost about £8.50.
Jamie's Pulled Pork
Serves 6
Preperation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: Between 4 & 10 hours depending on size
5.5lb Hand of Pork
Jim Beam Original Bourbon Sauce
Pineapple/Orange/Apple Juice (optional)
1. Inject Pork with Pineapple/Orange/Apple juice (optional)

2. Put Pork into tray lined with foil

3. Pre-heat oven to 240 degrees C/Gas 9 and cook for 20 minutes or until coloured nicely

4. After 20 minutes take meat out, cover with tin foil and cook in cooler oven (140 degrees C/Gas 1) for 4-5 hours for half a hand or 8-10 hours for a whole hand. Basting every 2 hours.

5. Once finished, pull pork off the bone with 2 forks and serve. Done!
Serve in pittas, wraps or buns!
For more recipes and information on what they've got to offer, just visit the Crump Butchers website via the link below.
Crump Butcher's - website
  Crump Butchers  