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Swindon's connection to the mockumentary legends of rock
Spinal Tap
Tap into Swindon:
(l to r) Derek Smalls, Nigel Tufnel
and David St Hubbins
They burst on to our screens in March 1984 with rockumentary classics such as 'Lick My Love Pump' and 'Big Bottom' - and 23 of their drummers have died in mysterious circumstances, one in a 'bizarre gardening accident'.
And now in 2024, as part of their 40th anniversary celebrations, its time once again to take it to 11 on SwindonWeb.
We are, of course, talking about Spinal Tap - the creation of comic geniuses Michael McKean, Christopher Guest and Harry Shearer AKA David St Hubbins, Nigel Tufnel and Derek Smalls.
Three music legends quite literally in a rock world all of their own.
Can't Go Back To Swindon
And, guess what? In between the sex, drugs and Stonehenge dwarfs they even managed to write a song that features Swindon. Rock and Roll!
Their heavy bass ballad Diva Fever from their 1992 comeback (one of many) album 'Break Like the Wind' includes the lyric 'Can't Go back to Swindon' as part of the chorus which features 'Can't go back to London' and 'Can't go back to Waterloo'.
A song that aludes to previous Tap 'groupies' and also contains the classic lines
I've got Diva Fever, they'll never cure me
Diva Fever, they'll never insure me
Spinal Tap
Diva Fever
courtesy of YouTube
contains Nigel Tufnel guitar solo
+ jazz experimentation

All typical Spinal Tap stuff from the band that brought us Sex Farm, which includes the lines:
Working up a hot sweat
I'm scratching in your pea patch
Plowing through your beanfield
Planting my seed
and from their 2009 album 'Back From the Dead', title track 'Warmer than Hell'
Spinal Tap, Back From The Dead
The Devil went to Devon
Felt like the Fourth Degree.
He said is it hot in here
Or is it only me?
Prince of Darkness went to Plymouth
Summer all year long.
Said is this global warming,
Or just some stupid song?
The good news is that a second film and a reunion Japanese-style is definitely on the cards, so watch this space!...
Here's Tap in conversation in 2009.
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More16 February 2011
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Spinal Tap - official website
Chelworth Windows and Conservatories, Swindon, Wiltshire