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Monty Python's Flying Circus 

Swindon's connection to John Cleese and co.
Monty Python's Flying Circus
You'll laugh at this one.
Swindon is mentioned in Episode 24 of Monty Python's Flying Circus during the famous 'Agatha Christie Sketch (Railway Timetables)' first shown on the BBC in 1970.

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'Agatha Christie Sketch (Railway Timetables)'
courtesy of You Tube
(Cut to an upper-class drawing room. An elderly man lies dead on the floor.)
Inspector (Terry Jones): Just a minute, Tony There's a small matter of... murder.
Tony (Michael Palin): Oh, but surely he simply shot himself and then hid the gun.
Lady Partridge (Graham Chapman): How could anyone shoot himself and then hide the gun without first cancelling his reservation?

Tony: Ha, ha! Well, I must dash or I'll be late for the 10.15.
Inspector: I suggest you murdered your father for his seat reservation.

Tony: I may have had the motive, inspector, but I could not have done it, for I have only just arrived from Gillingham on the 8.13 and here's my restaurant car ticket to prove it.

Jasmina (Carol Cleveland): The 8.13 from Gillingham doesn't have a restaurant car.

John (Eric Idle): It's a standing buffet only.

Tony: Oh, er... did I say the 8.13, I meant the 7.58 stopping train.

Lady Partridge: But the 7.58 stopping train arrived at Swindon at 8.19 owing to annual point maintenance at Wisborough Junction.

John: So how did you make the connection with the 8.13 which left six minutes earlier?

Tony: Oh, er, simple! I caught the 7.16 Football Special arriving at Swindon at 8.09.

Jasmina: But the 7.16 Football Special only stops at Swindon on alternate Saturdays.

Lady Partridge: Yes, surely you mean the Holidaymaker Special.

Tony: Oh, yes! How daft of me. Of course. I came on the Holidaymaker Special calling at Bedford, Colmworth, Fen Dinon, Sutton, Wallington and Gillingham.
Inspector: That's Sundays only!

Tony: Damn. All right, I confess I did it. I killed him for his reservation, but you won't take me alive! I'm going to throw myself under the 10.12 from Reading.

John: Don't be a fool, Tony, don't do it, the 10.12 has the new narrow traction bogies, you wouldn't stand a chance.

Tony: Exactly.
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