How to Share Your Business Story OnlineOur Swindon business advice column with Gail GibsonIn the article I read, an Army
reservist used his PR skills to tell the folks back home what life was like on
the front line. Through blogging, Facebook and YouTube, he with others,
collaboratively painted a clear and more real picture of the everyday lives,
thoughts and feelings of our troops.
It really was that simple.
So why is it that so many people just don’t
“get” social media Millions of us are using it around the planet. Millions of
us are having great online conversations. Millions of us are building effective
networks and connections across the globe. And what are we all doing in the
process? We are telling our own story.
Take the current conflict in Afghanistan. Via
the media we hear and see events almost daily, stories of attacks, injuries and
the unfortunate tragedy of war – death. But what this army reservist has done
is to take a real life situation and share it with a global audience. It’s
believable because the stories shared are actually happening.
The stories give
the reader or viewer a unique understanding or awareness of the highs and lows
of British military life in Afghanistan. Even in the depths of battle with bullets
ricocheting and dust flying, a bird’s-eye view of war is captured on film, via
words or through conversation. What’s captured is edited and then transported
around the world via the internet.
The story promotes people being able to
connect together to find out more, to follow with specific interest, and to
educate about the reality of the situation.
What lessons can be learnt?
- Share the story of your business – the
highs and lows, the celebrations and learning curves.
- Share your story in the moment – as your
business grows and evolves.
- Share your story to build a positive
following or group of fans (think potential clients) and create a network of
business builders to help you achieve success
- Share your story and your business
happenings to inspire, to celebrate your unique offering, and to educate your
audience about the benefits of what your business is all about.