How do you turn customer thoughts into action?Our Swindon business advice column with Gail GibsonHere’s what you’ve seen: there’s a bit of frowning, the hand
moves to the chin or the hands move restlessly. Staring you right in the face
is someone who just isn’t 100% sure that what you have to offer is exactly what
they need right now.
Chances are this person will refuse your amazing offer,
leaving both of you empty handed. Goodbye sale and farewell opportunity!
What about
the issue of converting the thoughts of your online visitors too?
With more and
more business transactions taking place via the internet, how successful are
you at turning your customer from visitor into buyer? Do you have what it takes
to change their mind? Do you make them really feel that they need what you are
How much success have you achieved from selling your product or
service online or in a customer facing role? With
growing levels of direct competition online, mostly from rivals in your
marketplace, the time you get to spark the interest and capture the buying
moment, is actually a very tiny window of opportunity.
Do you think you get
minutes or seconds? 3-5 seconds is the norm!
Would you
like to add more profits to your business?
Here are 5 ways to help improve you
develop, refine and achieve more success with your customer engagement:
Is your offer clearly
explained? Avoid hidden meanings to save confusion. Provide understanding
and your prospect will be more favourable to buying.
How complex is the buying
process? Are your contact details and delivery times etc readily available
at the click of a button? Keep it simple to attract immediate interest.
How will your product or
service make a difference? Do you promote the benefits rather than the
features of your offering? Promote the features and your visitor will say
“So What” and leave.
What value do you offer? We
buy when our needs are met. But more importantly we buy because we see the
value of the transaction. Without value there is no reason.
How effective is your customer
service? Once you’ve captured your customer, build a relationship. Enhance
what you offer and maintain a standard of excellent care of your loyal
Look after your clients, particularly your key clients, and
they will return your loyalty with support and recommendations to other