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Date added: 24 May 2013

Parvovirus - back in Swindon! 

Parvovirus is back in Swindon – did it ever leave?
Eastcott Vets are warning dog owners of the extreme danger of Parvovirus after a number of cases has been reported in Swindon.
Young puppies and unvaccinated dogs in Swindon are most at risk.
Parvovirus can survive in the environment for over a year and will survive normal household disinfection.
You can carry Parvo into your home and garden on your shoes.
After exposure it can take 3-14 days for a dog to start showing symptoms.
Early symptons
Early symptoms are vomiting and diarrhoea which quickly becomes liquid, blood tinged or dark red and is foul-smelling.
Dogs quickly become extremely depressed and lethargic. Because infected dogs are unable to eat or drink and continue to vomit and pass large quantities of very liquid diarrhoea they become severely dehydrated.
Eastcott Vets isolation ward
Intensive treatment including intravenous fluid (a drip) and specialist drugs are required for support but there is no miracle ‘cure’. With support some dogs recover, many sadly do not. Parvo can attack the immune system and there are drugs that can help, these however are costly.
Treating and nursing dogs with Parvovirus takes its toll on staff and nursing such critically ill dogs is heartbreaking if they don’t survive.
Eastcott Vets has an isolation ward as infected dogs must be
quarantined. Whilst we have this facility it is a part of the hospital that we would rather remained unused.
It is not difficult to fully protect a dog against Parvo virus
A vaccination course as a puppy followed by regular boosters is all that is required.
Eastcott Vets has been recommending an additional 16 week Parvovirus vaccination for puppies since the Swindon Parvo outbreak in 2011.

If your dog’s vaccinations have lapsed, they may need to have a short course of 2 vaccinations to get them back on track. If your dog has not been vaccinated recently it may be at risk.

Eastcott Vets
If you have a puppy ensure that you get them vaccinated and whilst their protection is developing keep them in your own home and garden. Do not walk them in public places until they are fully protected.

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