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Is your cat or dog scratching? 

Then it maybe time to like those summer lovin' harvest mites!
It's hardly been a brilliant start to the summer, has it?
But with the sun forecast to shine in the next few weeks, there's one thing it brings our pets don't want - harvest mites!
Those nasty little pests thrive when it warms up, and why they also love attaching themselves to your pet!
So if you start seeing your cat or dog scratching a little too much over the weekend or biting themselves, it maybe time for a frontline treatment or a quick visit to the vet.
Harvest mite allergy
Harvest mites tend to jump on unassuming pets and feed away for 2 or 3 days before dropping off.
That in itself isn't the problem - it's the allergy most animals develop to the fluid the mites use when they feed, causing a very irritating redding of the skin.  
Look out for signs by carefully parting the hair and inspecting for orange dots on the skin, especially the legs and paws.
If it looks serious and the skin is inflammed, then a visit to the vet is always advisable, especially if your dog or cat has scratched away or bitten at the bite causing an infection.
Otherwise, Frontline spray can be used to help kill off any harvest mites and prevent others joining in!
Ideally, of course, dogs and cats should be treated at least monthly during the harvest mite season – typically late July to late September.
Pets Section
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