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Date added: 17 July 2012

Recycles in Swindon 

SWTV pay a visit to the bike charity initiative in Swindon town centre

You may have seen the sign and wondered what was inside. We did, and paid a visit to Recycles in Princes Street, a new chary bike initiative set up by the Salvation Army in Swindon.
Watch our video below.

They provide a meeting place and resource centre for people that share their enthusiasm for all things related to cycling. Drop in for all kinds of information, help and advice; from local cycle routes, clubs and the benefits of cycling to organised events.

Recycles can also professionally repair or service bicycles at competitive rates or sell you a quality refurbished model ready to go.

For more information, please visit the Recycles website via the link below.
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Cycle To Work Try cycling to work on a Recycles bike with their FREE trial! - WATCH VIDEO
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Recycles Swindon - website
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